Thanks for your interest!

If you would like to join our club, please complete our AWC Membership application form.

There are several Membership choices.

Dues can be paid to AWC’s IBAN number: NL65 RABO 0344 0641 90. Other payment options are available if needed.

Please email us if you have any questions relating to Membership.

Dues & Payments

Please note annual dues pricing below.

– €125 Regular/Associate Membership (€75 after January 1st)
– €100 Business/Professional
– €40 Student (Student ID required)
– €65 US Military (Military ID required)
– €15 Non-resident Members

A €15 admin fee applies to new Memberships.

Membership Benefits

As an AWC Member, you are also a member of FAWCO (Federation of American Women’s Clubs Overseas).Your AWC Membership Card gives you entry to certain wholesale discount membership stores, including Sligro and Hanos.  Additionally, you are eligible for a 10% discount at The American Book Center in The Hague.